Picardie Biomasse Energie (PBE) was created in 2017 from the alliance of the companies :

  • SABEHF, a subsidiary of AkuoEnergy

  • and

  • Cnim EB, a subsidiary of CNIM Group.

  • Picardie Biomasse Energie operates two cogeneration units powered by biomass in the Somme (80) in Nesle and Estrées-Mons. These two units produce electricity which is injected into the RTE network and steam for the food and agro-chemical industries.

    PBE is present along the entire value chain, from the purchase and transformation of the wood energy resource to the supply of energy in the form of steam enabling the production of electricity and power for industrial customers.

    PBE has 60 employees and has an average annual turnover of 32 million euros.

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