You will be working during the technical shutdown of CBEM .
Stakeholders must take the online safety training below BEFORE to go to the site.
ATTENTION : Without this safety training, access to the factory will not be possible.
Managers of external companies must go to the prior visit which will take place on the site of CBEM :
They must for this prior visit :
Provide their risk analysis as soon as possible
Complete the appendix to the downloadable prevention plan HERE
Provide each participant with the downloadable safety welcome booklet HERE
Those responsible for posted workers must provide :
The prior posting declaration (CERFA document) -> SIPSI Service
URSSAF vigilance certificate
Scanned copy of the two-sided identity cards of each participant
Certificate concerning the social security legislation applicable to the holder // © European Commission Regulations (EC) n ° 883/04 and (EC) n ° 987/09 (*)
Invoices of the places of residence / accommodation of the contributors (once the service is completed)
The labor code, according to Article R1263-3 ask you to also provide :
1. The name or the corporate name as well as the postal and electronic addresses, the telephone coordinates of the company or the establishment which usually employs the employee (s), the legal form of the company, its individual identification number tax under the value added tax or, failing to hold such a number, the references of its registration in a professional register or any other equivalent references, the main activity of the company, the names , first names, date and place of birth of the manager (s) ;
2. The address of the successive place or places where the service is to be performed, the name, first name, date and place of birth, email and postal address in France, and telephone contact details and, where applicable, the business name of the representative of the company in France for the duration of the service, the date of the start of the service and its date of foreseeable end, the main activity exercised within the framework of the service, the nature of the material or hazardous work processes used , the name, the address, the main activity of the principal as well as his SIRET identification number or, if he is established outside of France, his individual tax identification number in respect of the value added tax or, failing to hold such a number, the references of its registration to a professional register or any other equivalent references ;
3. The surname, first names, date and place of birth, address of usual residence and nationality of each of the posted employees, the date of signature of their employment contract, their professional qualification, the job they hold during the posting as well the amount of the related gross monthly remuneration, converted if necessary into euros, the start date of the posting and its foreseeable end date ;
4. The hours at which work begins and ends, as well as the hours and duration of rest for posted workers in accordance with the provisions of the articles L. 3171-1 , first and second paragraphs, and L. 3171-2 ;
5. Where applicable, the address of the successive collective accommodation place (s) for employees ;
6. Arrangements for the employer to cover travel, food and, if necessary, accommodation costs ;
7. The State to which the social security legislation to which each of the employees posted for the activity they carry out in France is attached and, in the case of a State other than France, the mention requesting a form concerning the social security legislation applicable to the competent institution.